
Honolulu Answers
From Code for America Honolulu: Have you ever gotten lost on a government website, or been confused about how it’s organized? We have. So we’re launching a new website for Honolulu citizens that’s simple, clean, and resident-focused. Honolulu Answers will be as easy to use and accessible as asking a […]

Honolulu Answers ‘Write-A-Thon’ on Saturday
The next “WetWare Wednesday” networking event, organized by the High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC), will feature City & County of Honolulu Deputy Director of Information Technology Forest Frizzell and State of Hawaii Chief Information Officer Sonny Bhagowalia. The theme is: “Hawaii Open Data – All Access,” and Hawaii Open Data will […]

Open Data Featured at Wetware Wednesday

Socrata Slide by Burt Lum
Cam Caldwell (@CamLCaldwell), Global Account Manager for Socrata, presented “Open Data: Hawaii Style” today to officials with the state of Hawaii and the City & County of Honolulu. Both the state and city hope to leverage the company’s platform to make it easier for government to publish information, and for citizens […]

Open Data: Hawaii Style

Mayor Peter Carlisle introduced the 2012 Code for America fellows assigned to the City & County of Honolulu. The three CfA fellows, Diana Tran, Sheba Najmi and Mick Thompson (l-r) are here for the month of February working with the City officials and meeting with community leaders. They are looking […]

Introducing Honolulu’s Code for America Fellows

This past weekend (Jan 20-21) was monumental. The City & County of Honolulu held its first Hackathon aimed at building applications around City data. We had approximately 40 people participate with 6 teams presenting their prototypes. I want to personally thank all the people who spent their precious time to […]

Congratulations to CityCampHNL Hackathon Teams

Thank you to all for being an integral part of Honolulu’s first CityCamp. It was by all measures a great success, all because of you. I love how the community came together, shared knowledge and brainstormed ideas. It was inspiring to see City employees collaborating with the community in a […]

CityCamp Honolulu