Burt Lum

About Burt Lum

Digital Ronin

From Seoul to Osaka – Asia Pacific opens arms to open data as ODI announces five new international Nodes 2014-02-17 by The ODI The ODI has announced five new international Nodes including the first two from the Asia Pacific region: Osaka, Seoul, Sheffield, Philadelphia and Hawaii. They will join the first raft […]

ODI Hawaii

On June 1, 2013, Honolulu participated in the National Day of Civic Hacking with its own Hack to the Future. Our event was attended by more than 80 people, which I might add was capped at 60. The day was designed to be an overview of applications and tools the […]

Photos: Hack to the Future

There are a couple of events I would like to bring to your attention. First off, on Saturday, April 27, 2013 is the Governance Futures Lab. It’s a two day event being sponsored by The Institute for the Future (Palo Alto, CA). The global event is organized to bring a […]

Hack to the Future

HB632 HD2 crossed a major milestone today and passed a joint hearing of the TEC/JDL committees with small amendments from the Hawaii Bankers Association (see testimony). Also an appropriation amount of $100K was inserted in the section as requested by the Office of Information Practices. TEC is Chaired by Sen […]

HB632 HD2 Crosses Major Milestone

I should have known that marshaling a bill through legislation involved some politics. As an update, SB448 SD1 died in the Senate. It was re-referred to a joint committee if JDL/WAM and never got scheduled. On the House side, HB632 HD2 passed through the FIN committee and crossed over to […]

The politics of Open Data