Advancing Open Data Principles in the Aloha State and Beyond
Advancing Open Data Principles in the Aloha State and Beyond
Hawaii Open Data, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the adoption of open data/knowledge standards, #civictech, #civiccommons and the development of solutions capitalizing on open ...
Burt Lum
Executive Director, President
Burt has more than 30 years in Hawaii’s technology and telecommunications sector. He is an Instructor at University of Hawaii in the Information & Computer ...
There are many ways to connect with us and get involved:
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Presented at the 2014 Hawaii Digital Government Summit. The audience consisted primarily of State government employees and the presentation highlighted the global open data movement and key considerations when publishing open government data.
‘The Internet’s Own Boy‘ follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz’s help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartz’s groundbreaking work in social justice and political […]
Join us on Saturday, April 19, 2014 at the Iolani School, Sullivan Center for Civic*Celerator Demo Day, where we unveil each team’s projects and get feedback from the judges. We’ll learn about campaign finance and be a part of this transformation from open data to open knowledge. We are in […]
The state Office of Information Management & Technology was featured last night on Bytemarks Cafe on Hawaii Public Radio. The accomplishments, challenges, and future vision of the OIMT were explored with Sonny Bhagowalia, the governor’s new Chief Advisor for Technology and Cyber-Security, and Keone Kali, who is succeeding Bhagowalia as the state’s Chief […]
From Seoul to Osaka – Asia Pacific opens arms to open data as ODI announces five new international Nodes 2014-02-17 by The ODI The ODI has announced five new international Nodes including the first two from the Asia Pacific region: Osaka, Seoul, Sheffield, Philadelphia and Hawaii. They will join the first raft […]
On November 27, 2013, Mayor Kirk Caldwell signed Bill 53, CD2, FD1 – Relating to Open Data in law. It now becomes Ordinance 13-39 going into effect immediately. This process that started in August was quite different from what happens in the State Legislature. In some ways it is much […]
Back on August 7, 2013 Bill 53 (2013): Relating to Open Data, got introduced by CM Carol Fukunaga at a full Council meeting. It got subsequently heard on August 20th in the Public Safety and Economic Development Committee. Bill 53 CD1 then moved on to a second reading in the […]
On July 3, 2013, Governor Neil Abercrombie signed into law a measure to enhance government transparency and accountability in Hawaii through increasing public awareness and access to open data. House Bill (HB) 632, relating to open data, now becomes Act 263. It requires the State’s Executive Branch departments to make […]
On June 1, 2013, Honolulu participated in the National Day of Civic Hacking with its own Hack to the Future. Our event was attended by more than 80 people, which I might add was capped at 60. The day was designed to be an overview of applications and tools the […]
There are a couple of events I would like to bring to your attention. First off, on Saturday, April 27, 2013 is the Governance Futures Lab. It’s a two day event being sponsored by The Institute for the Future (Palo Alto, CA). The global event is organized to bring a […]