HB632 HD2 crossed a major milestone today and passed a joint hearing of the TEC/JDL committees with small amendments from the Hawaii Bankers Association (see testimony). Also an appropriation amount of $100K was inserted in the section as requested by the Office of Information Practices. TEC is Chaired by Sen […]
I should have known that marshaling a bill through legislation involved some politics. As an update, SB448 SD1 died in the Senate. It was re-referred to a joint committee if JDL/WAM and never got scheduled. On the House side, HB632 HD2 passed through the FIN committee and crossed over to […]
The politics of Open Data
The good news is that both bills in the Senate (SB448) and House (HB632) are still alive. SB448 was heard by the TEC committee. As a result of that hearing there were numerous amendments added to the bill language. If you compare SB448 with SB448 SD1, the modifications include clarification […]
Open Data Bills: SB448 & HB632 Update
The first draft of HB632 HD1 Relating to Open Data is now online for your review. It better defines what open data is and which datasets are considered under this open data bill. The schedule for rule making is set for July 1, 2015 to give time for the process. […]
HB632 HD1 Relating to Open Data
We are in the new 2013 legislative session and there are a number of bills we are following. Two in particular are the open data bills, SB448 and HB632. The Senate version SB448, is being introduced by Sen. Glenn Wakai, Chair of the Technology and the Arts (TEC) Committee. In the […]
Open Data Bills: SB448 & HB632
Video courtesy of Ryan Ozawa. You can also find additional photo links here: Burt Lum – Flickr photos Ryan Ozawa – Flickr photos
#HonCelerator Video
December 1st was the culmination of an exciting year of open government, open data and citizen collaboration at the City & County of Honolulu. We had CityCampHNL, Honolulu’s first Civic Hackathon, Geeks on DaBus, Code for America, Honolulu Answers Write-a-thon and others. Hon*Celerator took advantage of the new datasets on […]
Congratulations #HonCelerator Teams

Capping off a historic year of government transformation and grassroots innovation, the first HON*CELERATOR competition aims to inspire the best apps and online tools that use open data to improve the day-to-day lives of Honolulu residents. Local software developers, designers, and entrepreneurs are being encouraged to tap into growing library […]

Open data efforts also backed by the Hawaii Community Foundation HONOLULU, HI (AUGUST 10, 2012) — Honolulu’s next mayor has vowed to clear the way for more apps, greater access to government information, and stronger citizen engagement. All three candidates — Mayor Peter Carlisle, former mayor Kirk Caldwell, and former […]
Mayor Carlisle, Caldwell, Cayetano agree on need for greater transparency

From Code for America Honolulu: Have you ever gotten lost on a government website, or been confused about how it’s organized? We have. So we’re launching a new website for Honolulu citizens that’s simple, clean, and resident-focused. Honolulu Answers will be as easy to use and accessible as asking a […]
Honolulu Answers ‘Write-A-Thon’ on Saturday

The next “WetWare Wednesday” networking event, organized by the High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC), will feature City & County of Honolulu Deputy Director of Information Technology Forest Frizzell and State of Hawaii Chief Information Officer Sonny Bhagowalia. The theme is: “Hawaii Open Data – All Access,” and Hawaii Open Data will […]
Open Data Featured at Wetware Wednesday
City & County of Honolulu Open Data Initiative View more documents from Hawaii Open Data In support of the City and County of Honolulu’s Open Data Initiative, Mayor Peter Carlisle issued this letter to his department and agency heads. Ever since taking office, Mayor Carlisle’s administration has leveraged technology to […]